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Which is better DLP or SLA?

DLP 3D Printing:

● Speed: DLP can be faster than SLA as it cures whole layers at once.

● Projector: Uses a digital projector to flash a single image of each layer all at once, which can lead to quicker print times for full builds.

SLA 3D Printing:

● Detail: SLA is known for its superior detail and surface finish, as it uses a high-precision laser to cure the resin.

● Precision: The UV laser in SLA can achieve intricate details and is considered the highest standard in 3D printing complexity and resolution.

Both DLP and SLA are excellent choices for high-resolution printing, but the decision between the two should be based on the desired balance between speed and detail. DLP may be preferable for faster production of less complex parts, while SLA is ideal for projects that require the utmost precision and a smoother finish.

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